实践推理是法律推理方法的综合指标 ,也是认识和完善法律推理的重大课题 ,具有实践性、逻辑性和方法论等特质。法律领域中的实践推理以法哲学和法律社会学为理论基础 ,以对规范的分析和判断为推理客体 ,以权利义务为思维方式的焦点 ,以体系化、安全性为评判标准。实践推理的适用对象、构成要素和运行过程是在逻辑推理和经验的基础上的理性选择的三个方面 ,实践推理的基本范式体现为法官直觉、知识背景、逻辑结构和思维等四个部分。实践推理运行从观念中的目的开始 ,经过主体的法律思维活动 ,最终达到理想的判决结论 。
Practical reasoning is not only the comprehension of methods of legal reasoning, but also an important subject of understanding and improving legal reasoning. This article studies in general terms in the theoretical conception and features of practical reasoning in law, the structure and operating mechanism on the basis of legal philosophy and legal sociology. This article begins with analysis to the conceptions of practical reasoning, then reveals the practical feature, logical feature and methodological feature of practical reasoning, and then elucidates the objects, elements and processes of practical reasoning, especially analyzes the intuition, knowledge background, logical structure, thinking paradigm of judges, which constitute the whole practical reasoning, and analyzes motivation and mechanism of controlling and checking practical reasoning.
Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition