《著作权法》生效后 ,我国先后成为《伯尔尼保护文学和艺术作品公约》、《世界版权公约》等三个公约的成员国。为履行国际版权公约 ,我国颁布了相关的法律规范 ,由此带来了国内法与国际法间的冲突。应尽快修改《著作权法》。
After our domestic copyright law went into effect, our country has successively become one of the members of “Berne Convention”, “Universal Copyright Convention”, “International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations”. For fulfilling these international copyright conventions, weve issued some correlative laws and standards. However the conflict between internal law and international law arised therefore. So our “Copyright Law” should be amended as soon as possible. My suggestion is that we should extend the propetry right of the copyright owners, add the dissemination right of the information net and call for the rational use of musical works so as to comform to the trend of the development of international copyright legislation.