当前对主权的争论忽视了主权的工具性。现代主权为人民所有 ,人民委托国家行使主权 ,国家便有了主权的本质属性。主权是人类对自身发展的关注 ,新情况并没有改变主权属民的本质 ,但主权行使方式有新变化 ,它以国家机构行使主权方式的改变和创新为成本 ,带来的却是更大收益 :主权所有者———人民利益增长和充分实现 ;主权行使机构———国家的主权地位强化 ;人民认同提高 ;国家机器及国家职能扩大和强化。
The sovereignty as a instrument is neglected in current study,in fact,the sovereignty is owned by people,it is people who entrust the sovereignty to state-organization, then the sovereignty became the essential quality.Actually,what sovereignty concerns on is human development;the sovereignty is people's instrument as well as the essential quality of state,and new emergence have not changed the sovereignty is exercised.Great benefit has been brought by these new modes:The increase and rich realization of the benefit of the owner;the strengthen of sovereignty status of state from two factors as follows:intensity of people's identification with state, and the enlargement and consolidation of state function and organization,and therefore the expansion of state's influence and scope in international community.Which is a more comprehensive understanding of sovereignty.
Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Sciences)