教师和学生都是教学活动的主体 ,教师是“教”的主体 ,学生是“学”的主体 ;“教”的客体是所教的对象(学生 )和所教的内容 (知识 ) ,“学”的客体是所学的亦即教师所传播的知识内容。教学质量的提高 ,素质教育的实施 。
Both the teacher and the student are subjects in their respective activities of teaching and learning. The teacher is the subject in teaching while the student is the subject in learning. The objects of teaching and the content being taught. The object of 'learning' is the knowledge conveyed by the teacher. The importance of teaching quality, therefore, depends on the subjective efforts of the teacher.
Journal of Guizhou Educational College(Social Science Edition)