2ITU. HF Ionospheric Channel Simulators. Report 549-2,Recommendations and Reports of the CCIR,Vol. HI, pp.59-67, Geneva.
3STANAG 4415. Characteristics of a Robust, Non-Hopping,Serial-Tone Modulator /Demodulator for Severely Degraded HF Radio Links. North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Edition 1, Dec. 24 1997.
4Angling, M J, P S Cannon, N C Davies, T J Willink, V Jodalen, B Lundborg, Measurements of Doppler and multipath spread on oblique high latitude paths and their use in characterising data modem performance, Radio Sci., 33 (1),pp. 97-107, 1998.
5IEE has organised 3 year intervals eight highly successful International Conferences on "HF Radio Systems and Techniques, http://conferences.iee, org/HF2003 /.
6HF sessions of the IEEE MILCOM series.http://www.milcom.org/.
7High Frequency Industry Association (HFIA) http://www.hfindustry, com/.
8Nieto, J.W., On-air results of spatial diversity for the MILSTD-188-110B Appendix C (STANAG 4539) 9600 bps waveform Military Communications Conference, 2001. MIL COM 2001. Communications for Network-Centric Operations:Creating the Information Force. IEEE, Volume : 1,28- 31 Oct.2001 Pages:432-436 vol.1.
9STANAG 4285. Characteristics of 1200/2400/3600Bits per Second Single Tone Modulators/Demodulators for HF Radio Links. North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Brussels 1989.
10L. Vanderdorpe. MMSE Equalizers for Multi-tone Systems without Guard Time. Proceedings of EUSIPCO-96, Trieste, Italy, Sept. 10-13 1996, pp. 2049-2052.