目的 探讨左肾静脉压迫综合征的声像学特征。方法 对22例左肾静脉压迫综合征患儿及15例正常儿童进行了三维超声及彩色多普勒超声检查。结果 病变组平卧位时左肾静脉在腹主动脉与肠系膜上动脉夹角处狭窄,在腹主动脉左侧扩张,扩张段血管内径是狭窄处的2倍以上,站立15分钟后扩张更明显,是狭窄处的3倍以上,左肾门肾静脉的血流速度较对侧明显减慢。结论 平卧位左肾静脉狭窄前扩张段内径与狭窄处内径比达2倍以上,站立15分钟后达3倍以上,平卧位时左肾门血流速度较对侧减慢是本病的重要超声表现和重要的诊断依据。
Objective To investigate the ultrasonic features of left renal vein entrapmentsyndrome. Methods: Gray scale and color floppier ullrasonography was performed on 22 children with left renal vein entrapment syndrome and 15 normal children. Result: There were compressions of the led renal vein at the site between superior mesentery artery and aorta , and there were dilatations at the left site of aorta. The ratio of the diameter of dilated portion of the left renal vein to the stricture portion was greater than 2: 1 in supine position and greater than 3: 1 in stand position. And the blood flow velocity of the left renal vein was significantly slower than the right renal vein. Conclusion: The dilatation and the slow velocity of the left renal vein are important features on the diagnosi of left renal vein entrapment syndrome.
Diagnostic Imaging & Interventional Radiology