[目的]研究沾化冬枣离体培养的快速繁殖方法。[方法]以沾化冬枣茎尖为材料,以MS基本培养基,添加不同浓度IAA和6-BA进行离体培养及再生体系研究,优选最佳培养条件。[结果]外植体最适取材时间为4月下旬,接种培养基为MS+2.5 mg/L GA3;最适增殖培养基为:顶芽切段繁殖MS+0.5 mg/L 6-BA+0.25 mg/L IAA,芽丛分割繁殖MS+0.5 mg/L IBA+2 mg/L ZT;最适生根培养基为1/2 MS+1 mg/L NAA+0.5 mg/L IBA;试管苗移栽的最适基质为蛭石加草炭(1∶1,V/V),成活率可达78.8%。[结论]该方法优选了沾化冬枣离体培养的快速繁殖方法,为沾化冬枣的种质资源研究提供了可靠依据。
[ Objective ] In order to explore the method for rapid propagation of Ziziphus jujuba Mill in vitro. [ Method ] With stem apex of Z. jujuba as material, MS as basic culture medium added with IAA, 6-BA for in vitro culture, the regeneration system was studied. [ Result ] The most suitable time for explants is in late April, inoculation medium is MS + GA32.5 mg/L; the most suitable medium for bud proliferation: Cutting propagation of the terminal bud is MS + 0. 5 mg/L 6-RA + 0. 25 mg/L iAA, bud segmentation propagation is MS + IBA 0. 5 mg/L + ZT 2 mg/L; the most suitable medium for rooting is 1/2 MS + 1 mg/L NAA +0.5 mg/L IBA;The optimum matrix of planflets is the vermiculite and peat (1: 1, V/V), the survival rate can up to 78.8%.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences