
硅胶注射隆乳术后导致肺栓塞并外源性过敏性肺泡炎一例及文献综述 被引量:7

Pulmonary Embolism and Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis Following Breast Augmentation with Subcutaneous Injection of Silicone Gel: A Case Report and Literature Review
摘要 本文报道一例因硅胶注射隆乳术后导致肺栓塞并外源性过敏性肺泡炎病例,该患者并发急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)和多脏器功能不全,经过积极抢救患者最终幸存,并通过支气管镜下活检病理检查找到脂质样空泡。 Breast augmentation with silicone gel implants is the most common operation in cosmetic surgery. Various complications including breast asymmetry, malpositioning, implant deflation or rupture, capsular contraction, visible wrinkling or rippling, double bubble deformities, and synmastia have been documented. However, pulmonary complications associated with silicone breast implants have been rarely reported. Here we present a case of pulmonary embolism in concomitance with extrin- sic allergic alveolitis or hypersensitivity pneumonitis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in a women tbllowing subcutaneous injection of silicone gel as well as the relevant literature.
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期477-479,共3页 Chinese General Practice
关键词 硅胶 隆胸 肺栓塞 过敏性肺泡炎 Silicone gel Subcutaneous injection Pulmonary embolism Allergic alveolitis
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