
供应链管理:杰出而专业的德国制造 被引量:3

Supply Chain Management: Excellence and Expertise Made in Germany
摘要 在德国,供应链管理与物流这两个术语意义相同,指对所有信息流和物流的整合规划与控制,是对任何企业成功都会产生重要影响的一个过程。物流是德国最具专业性的核心领域之一,也是德国最吸引人才的领域之一,为德国经济、社会、生态各领域的突出业绩奠定了坚实基础,但由于物流的多样性和多面性,物流与其他领域的很多关联仍然处在公众视野之外。根据对世界各地1757名供应链管理者(包括物流服务提供商、零售商和制造企业)的调查以及60次面谈所反映的总体情况,分散的渠道、日益增加的产品差异性、客户需要的定制化解决方案等增加了物流的复杂性。这说明,未来随着物流运作的日益复杂化,我们将面临顾客期望、网络化经济、成本压力、全球化、人才短缺、易变性、可持续性压力、风险和破坏增加、新技术以及全球经济变化等多方面的重大挑战,而创新必将成为其中更加重要的一项因素。2013年,德国物流业业绩良好,面对复杂的全球经济和成本压力,2014年德国各行业物流将通过增加相互间合作来迎接这些挑战,以更好地延续2014年伊始良好的发展势头。 In Germany, logistics is synonymous with the term "supply chain management" and means the integrated planning and control of all flows of information and material, a process that has a major impact on the success of any business. Logistics is one of Germany's core fields of expertise: it is also one of the attractive fields for qualified personnel; it underpins peak performance not only in the economic field but also in the social and ecological spheres. Many of the connections with other fields remain hidden from public view, however, and this is due to the diversity and multi-facetted nature of logistics topics. A research based on 1,757 responses collected in an international survey of supply chain managers (including logistics service providers (LSPs), retailers, and manufacturing companies) and a series of 60 interviews shows that logistics complexity in the form of fragmented channels, increased product variations, and consumer demands for customised solutions has increased. It demonstrates that, as the world becomes a more complex place to operate logistically, a number of major challenges lie ahead, such as customer expectations, networked economy, cost pressure, globalization, talent shortage, volatility, and sustalnability pressure. And innovation must become more important. The logistics sector finished the year 2013 with a good performance: in 2014, logistics experts in industry, trade, the services and academia intend to meet these challenges by stepping up their cooperation to maintain the significant momentum in the beeinnine of 2014.
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期9-13,共5页 China Business and Market
关键词 供应链管理 物流 德国 supply chain management logistics Germany
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