
制造企业集成解决方案服务提供——社会技术能力的影响作用研究述评 被引量:12

Integration Solutions Services Provision in Manufacturing Company:the Research Review of the Impact of Socio-technical Capacity
摘要 目前,有关制造企业集成解决方案服务提供中社会技术能力的研究并不多见,但社会技术能力作为制造企业集成解决方案服务提供成功交付的资源和能力延伸不容忽视。文章在文献梳理基础上,从社会技术能力的概念、社会技术能力作为集成解决方案服务提供的重要资源、社会技术能力作为集成解决方案服务提供的能力延伸及其对制造企业服务化绩效的影响等四个方面进行了总结评述,认为未来有必要从如何提高社会技术能力视角进行探讨,以便为组织战略成功转型与获得丰富的社会技术能力创造条件。为进一步提高社会技术能力丰富程度与可获得性,从国家层面讲,应该制定相关政策鼓励、支持、倡导系统网络内企业间的技术交流,以推动知识共享与专业化人力资源培养;从社会层面讲,应要求系统网络内企业承担社会技术能力提供的责任,以实现社会技术能力获得的可能性或在一定程度上丰富系统网络内的社会技术能力。 There are few of researches on the socio-technical capacity in manufacturing company integration solutions services delivery, but the socio-technical capacity for manufacturing company integration solutions services delivery' s resources and capacity extension should not be overlooked. On the basis of analyzing concerned foreign literatures, this paper summarizes and appraises the socio-technical capacity in manufacturing company integration solutions services delivery from concept, important resources, capacity extension and performance of manufacturing company. Based on this, the author points out that, to lay the foundation for acquiring rich socio-technical capacity in organization strategic transformation, the future related research should be focused on how to improve socio-technical capacity. To increase the availability and the rich of socio- technical capacity, from the national level, we should formulate related policies to encourage, support and popularize technological communication among enterprises within the systematic network to promote the sharing of knowledge and the cultivation of professionals; from the social level, we should ask the enterprises in the systematic network to shoulder the responsibility of providing socio-technical capacity to realize the possibility of acquiring socio-technical capacity and enrich the socio-technical capacity in the systematic network.
作者 汪涛 胡查平
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期70-76,共7页 China Business and Market
基金 国家自然科学基金"顺应制度还是操控绩效:企业国际化进程中的合理性压力 营销战略和消费者支持"(项目编号:71272226) 武汉大学人文社会科学研究项目"中国企业国际化战略研究:合理性理论视角"(项目编号:105-274049)的部分研究成果
关键词 集成解决方案服务提供 社会技术能力 资源 能力延伸 Integration solutions services delivery; the Socio-technical capacity; Resources; Capacity extension
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