
新型区域创新体系:概念廓清与政策含义 被引量:10

The New-Mode Regional Innovation System:Conception Clarification and Policy Implications
摘要 在新一轮产业革命浪潮来袭、信息经济加速改造传统产业的时代背景下,传统的区域创新体系正在发生深度重构。基于地域的"看得见的网"与基于互联网和大数据的"看不见的网"的有效融合,正在催生出新型的区域创新体系。与之相适应,区域创新体系的研究范式正处于转变之中。我国区域创新体系构建需要加强顶层制度设计和政策体系创新,以形成促进区域创新能力成长的必要制度支撑,打造基于不同资源条件的创新增长极,最终实现国家的创新战略和赶超战略。厘清新型区域创新体系的本质内涵并对我国区域创新体系进行类型划分,深刻把握不同区域创新体系的内在动力机制,是有效推进区域创新战略、制定适配型区域创新政策的必要前提。本文在探讨新型区域创新体系本质内涵并对我国区域创新体系进行有效分类的基础上,讨论构建新型区域创新体系的政策含义。 With the forthcoming of the new industrial revolution and the accelerated transformation process of traditional industries by information technology, the traditional regional innovation systems(RIS) are changing their modes dramatically. Merging of the visible network based on certain geographic area and the invisible network based on the big data is bring out the new-mode RIS. Along with this trend, the research paradigm of RIS is chan- ging gradually. Top-Down design and policy portfolio innovation should be strengthened to construct China' s RISs, so as to increase the innovative capacity of RISs and finally fulfill the national innovation strategy and the catch-up strategy. It' s the prerequisite that make clear the essential connotation of the new mode of RISs, make a reasonable classification on RISs and grasp the inherent dynamical mechanism to promote the regional innovation strategy effi- ciently and find best-fit policies. This paper goes through all these fields from academic perspective. Basically RIS is a kind of knowledge network and industrial innovation platform based on certain spatial struc- ture, and also can be viewed as a dynamic triple helix composed by infrastructure, institution and innovation activi- ties, named by this paper as ' triple helix of 3Is'. The most difference between the new-mode RIS and the tradition- al RIS lies in the varied appearance of 3Is. In the rapidly changed environment, the new-mode RIS is a kind of more open interactive knowledge network with much fuzzier boundary, an economic-social evolutionary system with several modes of governance at work, a kind of parallel innovation system with more sensitive tentacles and much flatter value chain, and also a kind of industrial integration development platform based on information technology. From the special institutional background of China, the RISs can be grouped into four types according to the initial driving factors and the way to allocate resources: endogenous driven style, science based style, state-owned capital dominated style and foreign capital pulled style. This is not to say that the several types of RIS are quite dis- formed a new larger RIS, for ex- foreign capital pulled force mingle tinct from each other. In the larger area, they can be merged into each other and ample, in Yangtze River delta, endogenous driven force, science based force and with each other,which helps the trans- administrative regions RIS more effective. From the connotation of RISs, the core dynamic mechanism of RIS is the basic way of knowledge creating, broadcasting and sharing inner the system. In a comprehensive sense, the dynamic mechanism includes several modes: learning and training, competitive mechanism, industrialization modes and acquisition ness. Due to the difference in dominant knowledge types, innovation resources, network types an ronment, there would be variation in knowledge system through d institu embedded- tional envi- and working mechanism between the several RIS types. Based on the theoretical analysis and classification, we can propose effective policies fit to every RIS mode. Firstly, changing the basic infrastructure of network can improve the regional innovation efficiency obviously ;Sec- ondly, improving the governance structure can increase the regional innovation efficien the enterprises' innovation activities can be increase the regional innovation efficiency cy greatly ;Thirdly, motivating fundamentally. ving the fitness of policy tools can increase the regional innovation efficiency effectively Finally, improving the fitness of policy tools can increase the regional innovation efficiency effectively.
作者 刘建丽
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期32-40,共9页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目"构建区域创新体系战略研究"(08&ZD038)
关键词 新型 区域创新体系 概念 政策含义 new mode regional innovation system concept policy implications
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