The Nevoria deposit, a banded iron formation-hosted gold deposit, occurs within the roof of amphibolite-facies greenstones in the Southern Cross belt, Yilgarn Block, Western Australia. The mineralizing veins include early quartz-pyrrhotite±chalcopyrite veins and late quartz- pyrite veins. Three types of fluid inclusions, namely CH4-rich, CH4-CO2-H2O and H2O-rich ones, were found at Nevoria. Microthermometric data reveal that the initial auriferous fluids were CH4-dominant. Fluid mixing may have caused remarkable variations of CH4/CO2 ratios or xCH4 of CH4-CO2-H2O inclusions, particularly in mineralized quartz-pyrrhotite veins. The Caac- CQHZO inclusions in quartz-pyrite vein set have an apparent trend of decreasing xCH4 and increasing molar volume It can be inferred that, from the quartz-pyrrhotite stage to the quartz-pyrite stage, homogenization temperatures of CH4-CO2-H2O inclusions decreased, and CH4 contents (xCH4 ) also decreased. The carbonic phase in the inclu-sions varies from CH4-dominant to CO2-dominant. Phase mixing, resulting in an increase in pH and fo2, together with loss of reduced sulfur by mineral/fluid reactions and precipitation of sulfides, led to the breakdown of the gold-transporting complexes.
Mineral Deposits