国土资源的丰富程度和开发管理水平的高低 ,对社会经济发展具有重大决定作用。广西是中西部省区中唯一沿海、沿边、沿江的省区 ,其国土资源的基本状况是 :山多地少 ,人均耕地低于全国平均水平 ;矿产资源种类多 ,锰、锡等 30多种矿产储量居国内前列 ;海洋空间资源、港口资源、生物资源、矿产资源、旅游资源丰富。如能充分发挥广西的区位优势、资源特色 ,广西在西部大开发中将大有作为。
The quantity of land and resources and level of development and management of land and resources are great decisive effect. In this paper the present situation of land and resources of Guangxi was introduced, and the author points out that Guangxi must bring the region advantages and resources characteristics into full play, and there are plentiful opportunities for Guangxi in western great development of China.
Guangxi Geology