镎、钚是某些放射性废物中的关键核素 ,无论是中低放废物泥浆的水力压裂法处置还是高放废物的深地质处置 ,都必须首先了解处置区和处置条件下水介质中核素镎、钚的存在形式。本文选用地球化学模式程序 EQ3/6计算了低中放和高放废物中关键核素镎、钚在处置区水介质中的存在形式 ,并讨论了水介质和 p H条件对核素存在形式的影响。结论是核素镎、钚的存在形式主要受水介质条件的影响 ,但 p H条件也是影响核素镎。
Neptunium and plutonium are the key radionuclides in existence in some categories of radioactive wastes. Both hydraulic fracture method for LILWs and deep geological disposal for HLW need gaining the awareness of chemical forms of neptunium and plutonium in disposal site or under disposal conditions. The study used geochemical model program EQ3/6 to provide a calculation of the existence forms of the two nuclides in LILWs and HLW in disposal site along with discussion about the effect of water medium and pH on nuclides' chemical forms. The results show the chemical forms of the two nuclides in the disposal site are mainly dependent upon the conditions of water media and also on pH.
Radiation Protection Bulletin