分别描述了云南木蠹象 (PissodesyunnanensisLangor ,SituetZhang) ,多瘤雪片象 (NiphadesverrucosusVoss) ,粗刻点木蠹象 (PissodespunctatusLangor,SituetZhang) ;果核芒果象 (SternochetusolivieriFaust)和果肉芒果象 (SternochetusfrigidusFaust)等 5种象虫的幼虫和蛹的形态特征 ,并配备插图和说明 ,幼虫主要特征包括头部正面观、内唇、上颚、下颚、第Ⅵ腹节、气门 ;蛹体正面观 ,背面观 ,臀板和臀棘 .列出了幼虫检索表 ,并报道了 5种象虫的生活习性 .
This paper dealt with five larvae and their pupae that include three species of pinus wcevils and two species of mango wcevils,described their major morphology with their life habits, and illustrated the epipharynges,mandible,marila,spiracle,the 4th abdoaminal segment and cremaster.A checklist of the five larvae was given. Among the five weevils, three species that attack on the phloem and cambium of Pinus yunnanensis Franehet or Pinus armandii Franchet are Pissodes yunnanensis Langor, Situ et Zhang,Niphades verrucosus Voss and Pissodes punctatus Langor, Situ et Zhang, but another two species that feeds on the mango seed or mango fruit flesh are Sternochetus olivieri Faust and Sternochetus frigidus Faust.
Journal of Southwest Forestry College
云南省应用基础研究基金资助项目! (CO5 9M)