
计算机控制上牙槽前中神经阻滞麻醉在儿童中的应用 被引量:4

Application of anterior middle superior alveolar block anesthesia with computer-controlled local anesthesia delivery system in children
摘要 临床随机选择34名双侧上颌乳尖牙和/或乳磨牙深龋或慢性牙髓炎、慢性牙周炎(共133颗牙齿)的4~8岁儿童,采用自身对照方法,一侧用传统手推式注射器(CS)进行颊侧浸润麻醉(BI),对侧使用计算机控制局部麻醉仪(C-CLADS)行上牙槽前中神经麻醉(AMSA)。CS 和 C-CLADS 组麻药注射时间(s)分别为63.6±22.6和136.6±12.4(P =0.000)。C-CLADS 麻醉进针和注射疼痛显著低于 CS 注射(P <0.05);患儿和术者对2种麻醉方法的麻醉效果评价无显著性差异(P >0.05);55.9%儿童倾向于接受C-CLADS 麻醉。 133 teeth in 34 children aged 4 to 8 year-old were recruited for the treatment of bilateral maxillary primary canines or primary molars with deep caries,chronic pulpitis or chronic periapical periodontitis under local anesthesia.Buccal infiltration(BI)with conventional syringe(CS)was used for one quadrant,anterior middle superior alveolar anesthesia(AMSA)with computer-controlled local anesthesia de-livery system(C-CLADS)on the contralateral side.The injection duration(s)of CS and C-CLADS was 63.6 ±22.6 and 136.6 ±12.4 re-spectively(P =0.000).The pain perception of C-CLADS injection was significantly lower than that of CS(P 〈0.05),that during operation was not statistically different(P〉0.05).55.9% children preferred C-CLADS anesthesia.
作者 周琼 秦满
出处 《实用口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期266-268,共3页 Journal of Practical Stomatology
关键词 计算机控制局部麻醉注射仪 口腔局部麻醉 儿童 疼痛控制 Computer-controlled local anesthesia delivery system Oral local anesthesia Children Pain control
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