
欧盟化妆品不良反应关联性评价方法简介 被引量:5

Introduction to Causality Assessment Method of Cosmetic Adverse Reactions in European Union
摘要 通过从评价方法的制定原则、制定标准和应用操作3方面详细介绍了欧盟化妆品不良反应关联性评价方法。欧盟化妆品不良反应关联性评价方法有着严格和缜密的制定原则,以及易于理解的评价逻辑,并采用了操作性强的决策树模式开展评价。该方法对于我国化妆品不良反应监测工作有着积极的借鉴意义。 This article introduced the formulation principles, standards and operation of the causality assessment method of cosmetic adverse reactions in EU. This method has strict and rigorous formulation principles and easily understood evaluation logic. The adopted decision tree mode is the most critical. This method is meaningful for cosmetic adverse reactions monitoring work in China.
出处 《中国药物警戒》 2014年第3期140-143,共4页 Chinese Journal of Pharmacovigilance
关键词 化妆品不良反应 关联性评价 方法 cosmetic adverse reactions causality assessment method
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