[目的]应用灰色关联分析方法对桐城市近两年来引进的杂交棉品种进行综合评估,以筛选适合该市生态种植的杂交棉品种。[方法]引进的杂交棉品种分别为鄂杂棉10号、岱杂1号、鄂杂棉11F1、湘杂棉3号、中棉所63、鲁棉研21、泗杂6号、苏杂208、徐棉8号、苏杂3号、金杂2号、皖棉25,分别记为X1~X12。[结果]各供试品种与“参考品种”的关联序为r1〉r3〉r10〉r9〉r12〉r8〉r2〉r7〉r5〉r11〉r7〉r4,表明6个杂交棉(X1、X3、X10、X8、X9、X12)与“参考品种”的关联度最为接近,并且都高于0.8139;各供试品种与“参考品种”的加权关联序为r1′〉r9′〉r10′〉r3′〉r8′〉r6′〉r12′〉r11′〉r2′〉r7′〉r5′〉r4′,表明6个杂交棉品种(X1、X9、X10、X3、X8、X6)与“参考品种”的加权关联度最为接近,并且高于0.873 2。[结论]在沿江地区生态条件下,选择杂交棉鄂杂棉10号、鄂杂棉11F1、苏杂3号、徐棉8号较适宜。
[Objective] The aim was to comprehensively evaluate the hybrid cotton cultivars introduced into Tongcheng City for the past two years by Grey Correlation Analysis, and screen the suitable hybrid cotton cultivars for planting in local ecological environment. [ Method] The in- troduced hybrid cotton cultivars were Ezamian No. 10, Daiza No. 1, Ezamianl 1 F1 , Xingzamian NO. 3, Zhongmiansuo 63, Lumianyan 21, Siza No. 6, Suza 208, Xumian No. 8, Suza No. 3, Jinza No. 2, Wanmian 25, referred to as Xl - X12, resp,. [ Result ] The correlation degree of all tested hybrid cotton cultivars and the reference cultivar were was in order : r1〉r3〉r10〉r9〉r12〉r8〉r2〉r7〉r5〉r11〉r7〉r4 , showed that the six hybrid cotton cuhivars(X1、X3、X10、X8、X9、X12) had the very close correlation degree with the reference cuhivar, and was all over 0. 813 9; The weighted correlation degree of all tested hybrid cotton cultivars and the reference cultivar were was in order: r1′〉r9′〉r10′〉r3′〉r8′〉r6′〉r12′〉r11′〉r2′〉r7′〉r5′〉r4′, showed that the six hybrid cotton eultivars(X1、X9、X10、X3、X8、X6 ) had the very close weighted correlation degree with the reference cultivar, and was all over 0. 873 2. [ Conclusion ] It is suitable for screening Ezamian No, 10, Ezamianl 1 F1 , Suza No. 3, Xumian No. 8 in the ecological conditions of the region along the Yangtze river.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Hybrid cotton
Quantitative traits
Grey correlation analysis
Comprehensive appraisal