
门文元大型舞剧创作感思 被引量:1

Thoughts on Men Wenyuan's Full-Length Dance Drama Creation
摘要 本文从二十个方面对门文元的大型舞剧艺术创作做了细致梳理,分别是从《蝶恋花》起步的舞剧创作,门文元《金山战鼓》声震舞坛,《虎头峰的传说》不仅仅是"传说",《月牙五更》表现民族对生命意义的看法,《土里巴人》指向人类共通的主题,通过"编织一种文化"来"推出一个民族",面对《黄河水长流》的双重困境,宏观结构的严谨与微观细节的灵秀,《大漠女儿》与《悠悠雪羽河》两手抓,《阿炳》在更高层次上重建"戏剧性","二泉"的凄美旋律与阿炳的悲怆人生,创作一部"需要跪着欣赏"的舞剧,《红河谷》的烈烈悲情与深深痛楚,民族大义和个人悲情的水乳交融,筑城:权力行使的路标与爱情滋生的温床,从《遗愿筑城》到《众志成城》,在"人"的和合中实现"剧"的整合,能让人伤情并值得让人伤情的《西施》,平民化的色彩和小人物的定位,诚恳、谦和、直率、执着的老门等。出身军旅的门文元,已经不停顿地创作了40年。作为门文元舞剧创作发端的《蝶恋花》,塑造了大义凛然、浩气长存的杨开慧烈士形象,该剧在追求事实上成为门文元日后舞剧创作的定力。他的首部走红作品《金山战鼓》的思维取向,贯穿在他今后每一部作品的创作中:无论是实现传统舞蹈形态的创造性转换,还是以"爱"来作为舞蹈情节的结构支撑以及赋予舞蹈人物主题动作强烈的戏剧性。《虎头峰的传说》是迄今为止第一部、也是唯一一部鄂伦春族舞剧;《月牙五更》通过人类生命各个阶段的感情生活来传达我们民族对生命意义的看法,是以"爱"作为舞蹈情节结构支撑的内在指向;《土里巴人》牢牢把握住土家人的深层结构和精神底蕴,隆重地推出了"民族文化";《黄河水长流》在面临的双重困境中做到了双重超越;舞剧《阿炳》是一部"需要跪着欣赏"的舞剧,也是舞剧"戏剧性"在更高层次上的重建。门文元还总导了许多大型舞蹈组诗,我们由衷期盼2014年8月他80大寿之际立上舞台的舞剧艺术作品《金陵十三钗》再攀新峰。 Up to 2013, Men Wenyuan has been continually creating as a choreographer. " Love between Butterfly and Flower" is a start of his dance drama creation. " War Drum on Jin Mount" is the first work that everyone knows. Full - length dance drama " Legend of Tiger - head Peak" has been the first and the only one dance drama of Elunchun minority up to now. Although it is named a "legend" , it actually symbolizes the ethnic and historical spirit. A series of drama dance " Crescent Moon in Early Morning" conveys an opinion of life meaning through emotional life in differ- ent phases of human. " The Rustic Ba People" represents marriage customs of Tujia minority, and ceremoniously pu- shes out ethnic cuhm'e through grasping accurately the profound structure and spiritual connotation of Tujia people. In " Yellow River Flows" , Men Wenyuan confronted with double dilemma and he succeeded to transcend. " Daughter of Desert" and " Long Long Xuyu River" were created at the same time. As a dance tragedy full of humanistic concern, "A Bing" narrates and moves the audiences in a tragic mood, which is a drama dance that needs appreciated by audi- ences on their knees. " Dairy of City Building" actualizes the drama integrity with integrity among people. " Xi Shi" has a civilian mood and an orientation of m'dinary people. Men Wenyuan directs many other drama dances, and I sincerely expect that " The Flowers of War" which will be on stage in August 2014 could be another success.
作者 于平
出处 《艺术百家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期7-17,112,共12页 Hundred Schools In Arts
关键词 舞蹈艺术 门文元 艺术创作 大型舞剧 舞蹈作品 艺术精神 审美 Men Wenyuan Full -length Dance Drama Dance Drama Creation
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