简要介绍了环境侵害的概念、内涵及其主体的不平等性、社会性、间接性和过程的缓慢和复杂性的特征 ;环境权的概念、内容与一般民事权利相比具有的四个特征 ;环境权的民事法律规定及原因 ;环境民事权利的实现 ;环境侵害的民事救济原则和通常的救济方法 ,如赔偿损失、停止侵害等等及其内涵、包括的项目。
The paper simply introduced the conception, connotation of environmental infraction and its character of the principal part’s partialness, sociality, indirect characteristic, slowness and complexity of its process; the conception, content of environmental rights and its four characters comparing to common civil rights; the civil prescription and its reason, implementing of environmental civil rights, the principle of environmental infraction’s civil relief and its common methods, for example, paying for its losing and stopping infraction, and their connotation, items, ranges and law’s prescript for environmental infraction.
Chongqing Environmental Science