对于高氯离子质量浓度,低COD 值的水样,用国标法测定COD 值时会产生较大误差,且误差随着Cl- 质量浓度的增加而增大。通过实验探讨了高氯离子质量浓度对水样COD 测定的影响及消除影响的方法。结果表明:采取不掩蔽Cl- 测定水样的COD 总量,减去氯离子自身产生的COD 值,能较准确地反映水样的COD 值且结果重复性好。
Errors will appear when COD value is determined by GB11914-89 for high Cl - concentration water sample. In this paper the effect and eliminating effect method of high Cl - concentration to COD determination was investigated through experiment. The result show that determining the COD amount of water sample without sequestrating Cl - , and then minus the COD value produced by Cl - itself, with that amount can not only accurately inflect water sample COD value ,but also have good repeatability.
Journal of Nanjing University of Chemical Technology(Natural Science Edition)