依据树的逐步生成原理 ,仿照矩阵运算 ,提出了求解捷径问题的生成树算法。可以在表上进行演算 ,一次运算 ,能得到所有节点相对于始点的最短路径与路程。与公认的求解捷径问题的最有效方法——标号法相比更有规则、更有秩序 ,更适合复杂网络图的求解。
On the progressive formation of a tree,the algorithm of solv ing a shortest path problem is raised in which a matrix computation is imit ated. The computation is accomplished on a matrix table,completely. In one time operational procedure, the shortest path and distance values are all obtained w hich other jointpoints are relative to the startpoint on a network c hart. The details of this algorithm is introduced by a example.
Journal of Wuhan Institute of Chemical Technology