
试析美国与中日钓鱼岛争端 被引量:4

Analysis of U. S. Policy about the Sino-Japanese Dispute over Diaoyu Islands
摘要 近年来,全球金融危机的幽灵在欧美日国家徘徊,这与亚太地区新兴国家的崛起形成鲜明对比。美国全球战略的重点开始转向亚太,奥巴马政府的亚太再平衡战略应运而生。中日钓鱼岛争端的升级,则为美国实施亚太再平衡战略提供了一个有利的切入点。美国在钓鱼岛危机的不同阶段分别扮演了助推者和斡旋者的角色,展现了其政策的灵活性。其实质是要在钓鱼岛争端中充当操控者,使中日关系陷入纠纷,但又不允许这种纠纷升级为军事冲突,从而达到牵制日本的离心倾向、防范遏制中国、阻滞东北亚区域合作进程、维护美国在亚太地区领导地位的战略目的。美国介入中日钓鱼岛争端,助推了东北亚地区的紧张局势,暴露了其亚太再平衡战略的真实意图也在一定程度上凸显了这一战略的失衡效应。 In recent years, the specter of global financial crisis is wandering in the Europe, the United States and Japan, which has significant contrast with the rise of emerging countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The emphasis of the U.S. global strategy turned to Asia Pacific, and the rebalancing strategy towards Asia-Pacific adopted by Obama administration arises at the historic moment. The escalation of the Sino-Japanese Dispute over Diaoyu Islands provides a favorable entry point for the Asia-Pacific re-balancing strategy. The United States played a booster and conciliator role respectively in different phases of Diaoyu Islands' crisis, and shows the flexibility of its policy. Yet its essence is to be a controller in Diaoyu Islands' dispute, plunge Sino-Japanese relations into dispute, but does not allow this dispute to upgrade into military conflict, in order to distract Japan's centrifugal tendency, guard against China, retard the regional cooperation process in Northeast Asia and maintain America's leadership in the Asia-Pacific region. The United States intervened in the Sino-Japanese dispute over Diaoyu Islands, which exacerbated tion of the Asia-Pacific re-balancing strategy and also the tense situation in Northeast Asia, exposed real inten-highlighted the imbalance effect of it.
机构地区 吉林大学
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 2013年第8期47-56,共10页 Pacific Journal
基金 2013年国家社会科学研究基金重点项目"东北亚地缘政治局势新变化与中国的战略应对研究"(13AGJ003) 吉林大学基本科研业务费项目--种子基金项目"21世纪初东北亚地区政治与安全问题研究"(2013ZZ018)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 美国 亚太再平衡战略 钓鱼岛争端 中国崛起 the United States re-balancing strategy toward Asia-Pacific Diaoyu Islands' dispute the rise of China
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