

Impact of the Rise of Christianity and Buddhism to Eurasia Competitiveness(Part Ⅱ)——From Unity to Split:The Formation and Loss of Competitive Advantage in Ancient Europe-Compared with China
摘要 地区竞争力本质上是体系竞争力,古代欧洲与亚洲的地区竞争关系更多地表现为罗马体系和中华体系此消彼长的关系。基督教和佛教分别在欧洲和亚洲并行兴起是影响古代欧亚大陆政治变化的重大事件,它对后来的欧洲和亚洲的政治结构的形成及地区竞争力的变化产生了重大影响。本刊从第八期开始以连载的方式发表这篇长论。论文以纪元初基督教和佛教在欧亚平行兴起为视角,比较研究东西方两大体系这段以千年为刻度的此消彼长的历史,并以地区竞争力作为比较参数。作者认为:一个中心为"忠"、两个中心为"患"是古代东西方政治及其表现的鲜明特点;严重的政教二元冲突是造成中世纪欧洲地缘政治破碎化的关键因素;分封的世俗王权和集权式的教权二元内耗,使欧洲从近千年的罗马统一时代进入到中世纪"天下共苦战斗不休"的千年乱局;由于中世纪中国比较好地解决了政教矛盾,其政治则从"五胡乱华"式的诸侯割据转变为高度统一且有巨大包容力的结构,中华体系由此成为中世纪世界文明的重心,亚洲也由此进入以中国为中心的华夏体系。 The regional competitiveness is essentially a kind of system competitiveness. Regional competi- tion in ancient Europe and ancient Asia mostly showed between the relationship shift of Roman and Chinese system. That Christianity and Buddhism respectively and parallelly rising in Europe and Asia is the major e- vents which had great impact on ancient Eurasian political changes and on the formation of the political structure in both continents. This article will be published in installments. Using the regional competitive- ness as comparative parameters, this paper chooses the perspective of the parallel rise of Christianity and Buddhism in the early Christian and Eurasian era, and compares European and Asian system during the millennium scale history of this elimination. The author suggests the saying that one center for "loyalty" and two centers for "suffering" is a distinctive feature for European and Asian politics: a serious political and religious dual conflict is the key factor which caused medieval European geopolitical fragmentation; since medieval, China solved the political and religious conflicts in a better way, its politics from "five ran- dom China" type of uncooperative separatism into a tolerant, highly uniform structure. The Chinese system has thus become the medieval center of world civilization and Asian thereby entered the era of China system.
作者 张文木
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 2013年第9期24-44,共21页 Pacific Journal
关键词 基督教 佛教 欧洲 中国 竞争力 Christianity Buddhism Europe China competitiveness
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