
Focal depths and mechanisms of Tohoku-Oki aftershocks from teleseismic P wave modeling

Focal depths and mechanisms of Tohoku-Oki aftershocks from teleseismic P wave modeling
摘要 Aftershocks of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki great earthquake have a wide range of focal depths and fault plane mechanisms. We constrain the focal depths and focal mechanisms of 69 aftershocks with Mw 〉 5.4 by modeling the waveforms of teleseismic P and its trailing near-surface reflections pP and sP. We find that the "thrust events" are within 10 krn from the plate interface. The dip angles of these thrust events increase with depth from ~ 5~ to ~ 25~. The "non-thrust events" vary from 60 km above to 40 km below the plate interface. Normal and strike-slip events within the overriding plate point to redistribution of stress following the primary great earthquake; however, due to the spatially variable stress change in the Tohoku-Oki earthquake, an understanding of how the mainshock affected the stresses that led to the aftershocks requires accurate knowledge of the aftershock location. Aftershocks of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki great earthquake have a wide range of focal depths and fault plane mechanisms. We constrain the focal depths and focal mechanisms of 69 aftershocks with Mw 〉 5.4 by modeling the waveforms of teleseismic P and its trailing near-surface reflections pP and sP. We find that the "thrust events" are within 10 krn from the plate interface. The dip angles of these thrust events increase with depth from ~ 5~ to ~ 25~. The "non-thrust events" vary from 60 km above to 40 km below the plate interface. Normal and strike-slip events within the overriding plate point to redistribution of stress following the primary great earthquake; however, due to the spatially variable stress change in the Tohoku-Oki earthquake, an understanding of how the mainshock affected the stresses that led to the aftershocks requires accurate knowledge of the aftershock location.
出处 《Earthquake Science》 2014年第1期1-13,共13页 地震学报(英文版)
基金 funded by the grants of National Natural Science Foundation of China (41274086) to LB and JR, and a University of Michigan Rackham Merit Fellowship to LML
关键词 Tohoku-Oki aftershocks Focal depths Focal mechanisms Coseismic stress change Tohoku-Oki aftershocks Focal depths Focal mechanisms Coseismic stress change
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