
植物激素样品前处理方法的研究进展 被引量:23

Recent advances in sample preparation methods of plant hormones
摘要 植物激素是植物中一类含量很低,却对植物生长发育等生命过程起重要调控作用的有机化合物。近年色谱/质谱联用技术不断发展,已成为植物激素分析的常用方法,而样品前处理则是色谱分析过程中的一个关键环节,所以高选择性和高回收率的前处理方法对于植物激素的分析至关重要。根据植物激素的化学性质,本文将其分为酸碱性植物激素、油菜素甾醇、植物多肽3类,并对相应的前处理方法加以综述,特别是近年来发展起来的新方法。内容包括前处理方法的原理、装置、萃取材料以及衍生试剂等,相关内容主要围绕本研究组的痕量植物激素研究工作展开,最后对研究趋势做了简短展望。 Plant hormones are a group of naturally occurring trace substances which play a cru-cial role in controlling the plant development,growth and environment response. With the development of the chromatography and mass spectroscopy technique,chromatographic analyt-ical method has become a widely used way for plant hormone analysis. Among the steps of chromatographic analysis,sample preparation is undoubtedly the most vital one. Thus,a highly selective and efficient sample preparation method is critical for accurate identification and quan-tification of phytohormones. For the three major kinds of plant hormones including acidic plant hormones & basic plant hormones,brassinosteroids and plant polypeptides,the sample prepa-ration methods are reviewed in sequence especially the recently developed methods. The review includes novel methods,devices,extractive materials and derivative reagents for sample prepa-ration of phytohormones analysis. Especially,some related works of our group are included. At last,the future developments in this field are also prospected.
出处 《色谱》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期319-329,共11页 Chinese Journal of Chromatography
基金 国家自然科学重点基金项目(90917020)
关键词 样品前处理 植物激素 赤霉素 油菜素甾醇 植物多肽 sample preparation plant hormones gibberellins brassinosteroids plant poly-peptide
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