萨尔瓦多·达利(Salvador Dakli,1904-1989),是20世纪艺术电上的惊世奇才,他领衔了以探索潜意识意象著称的"超现实主义画派",并用非凡的才能和卓著的想象力赋予二维架上绘画一种全新的生命力。达利终生保持着旺盛的精力和创作才华,对于跨界也是游刃有余。其中为人所忽视的精彩部分正是达利为数不多的珠宝设计。而今夏,达利的一枚胸针在英国拍出96,000英镑,引起了全球范围艺术爱好者对达利殊宝的热切关注。藉由此机,本文从介绍达利珠宝艺术出发,归纳出在达利成功的珠宝设计背后成熟而值得借鉴的品牌经营意识。
Salvador Dali was a staggering genius in 20th century,and the 'Surrealism' was led by him.Dali was using his outstanding performance and excellent imagination to endow a new vivid life to traditional easel painting.Dali was so vigorous through all his life that he was also good at Crossover art,among which was just the jewelry design.This July,a brooch named 'The Eye of Time',designed by Salvador Dali fetches ?96,000at auction in Britain,which has aroused enthusiasm of art lovers around the world.Taking this opportunity to introduce the Jewels and Jewelry of Salvador Dali,and furthermore,to conclude the IDEA of brand building after the design,which canbe a worth learning works for us.
Shanghai Arts & Crafts