

On the New System of Critical Theories(Ⅰ)
摘要 我们所面临的任务,是构建一个汇通中西、融贯古今、具有民族特色与新形态的文艺理论体系。新文艺理论体系的构建,必须摆脱形而上学传统,实现从认识论向着存在论的过渡,并从割裂的、板块式的结构向有机统一的体系过渡。因而,我们必须从人文世界的生成与文艺的起源入手,以文艺史的运动规律、具体情状作为文艺理论的重要内容;必须改变从作者、读者、批评家的角度立论,亦即以阐述创作论、阅读论、批评论为文艺理论之主要内容的思路。构建融世界性、民族性与时代性于一体的新文艺理论体系,还需要从海德格尔的存在论走向新存在论,从西方诠释学走向一种新诠释学,将创作论、批评论浑融于文体与模式之中,并对20世纪中西文学创作与理论研究中的新的经验作出总结,剖析其得失,找出一些规律性的东西,以对属于全人类的文艺理论作出丰富。 It is our task to construct a new system of critical theories by integrating the east and the west, the ancient and the present. The construction must be free from the metaphysical tradition and it must shift from epistemology to ontology, and from fragmentary modular structure to organic structure. Therefore, we must proceed from the generation of the world of humanities and the origin of art and hold the law of art evolution and its concrete realizations as important content of critical theories; and we must change the traditional way of argumentation from the perspectives of the author, the reader and the critic in critical theories, or, the perspectives of creation theory, reading theory and critical theory. The construction of a new system combining international dimensions, national features and characteristics of the times entails a shift from Heidegger's ontology to neoontology, from hermeneutics in the western sense of the word to neo-hermeneutics, which requires an integration of writing theory, critical theory, genres and models. It must be built upon the experience of writing and critical research in the east and the west in the 20th centuries in hopes of discovering some general laws of universal value to enrich critical theories of ours.
作者 王锺陵
机构地区 苏州大学文学院
出处 《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期1-11,191,共11页 Journal of Soochow University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)
关键词 新存在论 新诠释学 新文艺理论体系 汇通中西 融贯古今 neo-ontology neo-hermeneutics new system of critical theories integration of the east and the west combination of the ancient and the present
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