
企业家社会关系网络、创业机会识别与企业国际创业海外市场选择——基于中小型国际创业企业的实证研究 被引量:7

Entrepreneurial Social Networks, Opportunity Identification and Foreign Market Selection: An Empirical Research on SMEs' International Entrepreneurship
摘要 企业家社会关系网络是否会影响企业国际创业海外市场选择是企业国际化理论研究的重要议题之一。文章在相关文献基础上,以国际创业机会识别与开发为研究视角,提出相关假设,并以京津地区中小国际创业企业为样本进行实证检验。结果显示,利用企业家社会关系网络进行国际创业机会识别对企业海外市场运营绩效影响显著;对海外市场目标国的选择虽然不受地理、文化及心理距离影响,却受语言距离显著制约;同时企业年龄及企业家从业经历也成为利于企业家社会关系网络进行国际创业机会识别的显著影响因素。本文研究结论将对企业家或创业者海外市场商机获取方式及海外市场选择战略规划具有重要启示。 Whether or not entrepreneurial social networks affect the enterprise' s foreign market entry has been one of the important issues for the enterprise in- ternationalization theory. On the basis of a systematic review of related literature, from the perspective of opportunity identification and exploitation of international entrepreneurship, this paper puts forward some relevant assumptions, and makes the empirical test with SMEs in Beijing and Tianjin as research subjects. The re- suits show that the identification of international entrepreneurship opportunities us- ing entrepreneurial social networks has a significant effect on the enterprise's op- erating performance in overseas markets; the selection of the enterprise's foreign market is constrained by linguistic distance but not by geographic distance, cultur- al distance and psychic distance; the enterprise age and its entrepreneurs' experi- ences are significantly influential of the effect of using entrepreneurial social net- works on opportunity identification. These results provide some implications for entrepreneurs planning for internationalization.
出处 《国际商务(对外经济贸易大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期83-94,共12页 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于关系传递的企业网络组织结构嵌入与控制机制研究"(71172018) 天津市高等学校人文社会科学研究项目"关系网络与企业国际创业机会识别与开发--基于天津中小企业视角"(20132145) 天津财经大学科研发展基金(Q1304)资助
关键词 国际创业 社会关系网络 机会识别 海外市场选择 International entrepreneurship Social networks Opportunity identi- fication Foreign markets selection
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