

The MP2P application in VANET
摘要 车联网(VANET:Vehicle Ad-hoc Network)是物联网在汽车领域的一个应用,但是由于车辆的高速移动性,导致网络拓扑变化快,网络环境不稳定,传统的路侧设施(RSU:Road-Side Unit)与车载设备(OBU:On-Board Unit)之间的C/S(客户端与服务器)架构不能为用户提供可靠的服务。本文提出一种在车联网环境中应用MP2P进行车辆间信息传输的架构,该架构采用半分布式的P2P结构,使同一路侧单元覆盖范围内的车辆进行资源共享,减小了路侧单元的带宽压力,从而为用户提供了可靠的服务。 Vehicle networking ( VANET: Vehicle Ad-hoc Network ) is a networking application in the automotive sector.Due to the Elst-,noving vehicle, it is resulting in rapid changes of the network topology, tmstabitily of the network environnlent, and the traditional C/S architecture for connection between roadside facilities ( RSU : Road-side Unit ) and on-board equipment ( OBU : C On-Board Unit ) can not provide users with reliable service.This paper presents an MP2P application in a networked environment, and infimnation transmission can he made between the vehicles.This the architecture depends on semi-distributed P2P architecture, making the vehicles share resource information within the coverage of roadside units, reducing the road side unit bandwidth pressure, so as to provide a reliable service.
作者 周芳芳 陆川
机构地区 广东工业大学
出处 《网络安全技术与应用》 2014年第3期58-59,共2页 Network Security Technology & Application
关键词 车联网 MP2P 资源共享 VANET MP2P RsourceShareing
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