Hα(Balmer-alpha), Hβ (Balmer-beta) and Hγ (Balmer-gamma) spectral line inten- sities in atomic hydrogen plasma are investigated by using a high-power RF source. The intensities of the Hα, Hβ and Hγ spectral lines are detected by increasing the input power (0-6 kW) of ICPs (inductively coupled plasmas). With the increase of net input power, the intensity of Hα im- proves rapidly (0-2 kW), and then reaches its dynamic equilibrium; the intensities of Hβ can be divided into three processes: obvious increase (0-2 kW), rapid increase (2-4 kW), almost constant (4-6 kW); while the intensities of Hγ increase very slowly. The energy levels of the excited hydro- gen atoms and the splitting energy levels produced by an obvious Stark effect play an important role in the results.
Hα(Balmer-alpha), Hβ (Balmer-beta) and Hγ (Balmer-gamma) spectral line inten- sities in atomic hydrogen plasma are investigated by using a high-power RF source. The intensities of the Hα, Hβ and Hγ spectral lines are detected by increasing the input power (0-6 kW) of ICPs (inductively coupled plasmas). With the increase of net input power, the intensity of Hα im- proves rapidly (0-2 kW), and then reaches its dynamic equilibrium; the intensities of Hβ can be divided into three processes: obvious increase (0-2 kW), rapid increase (2-4 kW), almost constant (4-6 kW); while the intensities of Hγ increase very slowly. The energy levels of the excited hydro- gen atoms and the splitting energy levels produced by an obvious Stark effect play an important role in the results.
supported by the National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Science Program of China(Nos.2011GB108011 and 2010GB103001)
the Major International(Regional) Project Cooperation and Exchanges(No.11320101005)