
合并肺部病变的Good综合征三例并文献复习 被引量:6

Good's syndromewithpulmonarylesions:3casereportswithliteraturereview
摘要 回顾性分析3例合并肺部病变的Good综合征患者临床资料,并结合文献复习总结该病临床表现、肺部病变特征及诊断治疗.3例患者无显著的低γ球蛋白血症,但外周血淋巴细胞亚群检测均可见不同程度异常.胸腺瘤患者出现反复呼吸道感染时应考虑Good综合征的可能,Good综合征可出现弥漫性泛细支气管炎样肺部表现,也可表现为间质性肺病,早期进行免疫状况筛查、积极纠正原发免疫缺陷对改善预后有益. ThreecasesofGoodssyndromewithpulmonarylesionsinourhospitalfromJune1,2010toJune1,2013wereretrospectiveanalyzedandrelevantliteratureswerereviewed.Clinicalmanifestation,characteristicsofpulmonarylesions,diagnosisandtreatmentweresummarized.Abnormalityoflymphocytesubpopulationtovaryingdegreesinperipheralbloodwasdetectedinall3cases.Howevernoneshowedhypogammaglobulinemia.Ifthymomapatientsdevelopedrecurrentrespiratoryinfections,Good's syndromeshouldbeconsidered.PulmonarymanifestationsofGoodsyndromehavelesionssimilartothoseofdiffusepanbronchiolitisorinterstitiallungdisease.Earlyscreeningofimmunecompetencyandtreatmentforimmunodeficiencymayimproveprognosis.
出处 《中华全科医师杂志》 2014年第4期308-310,共3页 Chinese Journal of General Practitioners
基金 国家科技支撑计划课题(2012BA105802)
关键词 胸腺瘤相关免疫缺陷综合征肺疾病 Good's syndrome Lungdiseases
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