本文以近年黄淮麦区大面积推广应用和正在参加区试的 30个品种 (系 )为材料 ,在两种种植方式下 ,对 9个主要性状进行了方差分析、遗传力分析、相关分析和通径分析。结果表明 ,在方差分析中 ,除行区法中的总穗数外 ,其它性状均达极显著水平。在相关分析中 ,穗粒重与产量的相关在两种种植方式下表现一致 ,达显著水平 ;行区法中还有株高、小穗数和穗粒数与产量的相关达显著水平 ,穴区法中还有总穗数与产量的相关达极显著水平。在通径分析中 ,直接遗传通径系数 ,行区法为 :穗粒数 >穗下节间 >总穗数 >穗长 >株高 >穗粒重>千粒重 >小穗数 ;穴区法为 :穗粒数 >千粒重 >株高 >小穗数 >总穗数 >穗长 >穗下节间 >穗粒重。在遗传力分析中 ,千粒重、穗粒重、穗长、穗下节间长度、株高的遗传力较高 ,说明在早代选择有效。
The study showed that the variation of each trait among the genotypes was significant in row planting, which tested eight traits of 30 cultivars widely used in the Huanghuai valley by two different planting patterns (row and hill planting). According to the correlation analysis, grain weight per spike was significant in the two patterns, and in the row planting, plant height, kernel number per spike and spikelet number was also significant. With the path analysis, the direct path coefficient of kernel number per spike was the highest. The result of heritability showed that there were high heritability in 1000-kernel weight, gain weight, spike length, internode below spike and plant height. This indicated that it was effective to make a selection in early stages.
Journal of Triticeae Crops
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