
职务犯罪案件讯问策略之把握嫌疑人身体语言和微表情 被引量:2

Interrogation Strategies on Duty Crime Cases: Holding Suspects' Body Language and Facial Expression
摘要 口为心苗、言为心声,行为是心理的外在表现。情绪情感则是客观事物是否符合自己需要的态度的体验。只有客观刺激与内在需要相符合才会产生愉快的情感,相斥则不悦;下意识的身体反应、微表情更是人真情的自然流露。职务犯罪人接受讯问时的身体语言和微表情,是其自我保护机制在讯问的特殊情境的刺激下的特殊反应。认真观察、领悟、建档以及观察的常态化、习惯化,方能把握职务犯罪人的心理,突破其心理防线。 Actions the objective are the manifestation of one' s psychological activities while emotion is a kind of experience can meet one' s needs or not. One will have positive emotions only when the objective stim- uli meet the inner needs, if not, they will feel unhappy. Subconscious actions and subtitle expression are the reflec- tion of one' s true feelings. The body language and micro - expression of the duty crime suspects are a kind of spe- cial reactions of self protection when they are interrogated. Careful observation of the suspect' s reactions will be beneficial for grasping their psychology and breaking through their psychological defense.
作者 吕瑞萍
出处 《河南警察学院学报》 2014年第2期87-92,共6页 Journal of Henan Police College
基金 最高人民检察院项目"贪污犯罪心理与侦查对策研究"(GJ2012C26) 河南财经政法大学校级教改项目"犯罪心理学实践教学体系研究"(201214)
关键词 职务犯罪 讯问策略 微表情 Duty crime Interrogation strategy Micro - expressions
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