目的利用动物实验探讨超声引导下眼眶内异物定位与治疗用于临床的可行性。方法制作兔眼眶内金属异物模型。采用超声对眼眶异物进行检查,在超声引导下穿刺定位异物和用探针拨动异物.观察异物能被拨动确定异物在眼球壁外。并采用超声引导进行临床眼眶异物的穿刺定位诊治。结果 11只兔(11眼)超声检查发现近眼球壁异物6眼,一般眼眶异物3眼,未检出眼眶异物2眼,与实际相符。其中近眼球壁异物6眼在超声引导下眼眶异物全被探及并被拨动。确定异物在眼球壁外。临床成功采用超声定位眼眶异物并取出。结论在眼眶内异物穿刺定位时使用超声检测能简便准确地判定异物与眼球壁的位置关系,临床应用效果良好。
Objective The puncture location guided by ultrasound in animal's intraorbital foreign body, and applied to the clinical feasibility. Methods Metallic foreign bodies were placed in rabbits' orbits, and were puncture located by ultrasound. Results Foreign bodies scanned in 9 eyes of 11 rabbits ,same as the actual. Intraorbital foreign bodies of 6 eyes among these 9 eyes, which beside the eyeball wall, puncture located and moved by guiding of ultrasound. Intraorbital foreign body of typical case, which beside the eyeball wall, puncture located by guiding of ultrasound successfully. Conclusion The puncture location guided by ultrasound can be used in differentiation of intraorbital foreign bodies.
Zhejiang Medical Journal
Intraorbital foreian bodv Ultrasound Puncture location