以新荣Ⅰ系 35日龄断奶仔猪为试验动物 ,观察复方抗应激制剂对断奶仔猪的增重效果。结果 ,试验组仔猪在断奶后第 3天 ,平均每头减重 0 31kg ,第 7,15 ,30天均有明显的增重 ,与同期对照组相比 ,呈极显著和显著差异 (P <0 0 1和P <0 .0 5 ) ;同期净增重范围为 0 72~ 1 37kg ,最高净增重率达 32 5 %。表明该制剂能对断奶仔猪产生极显著地增重效应。
In the paper, we used 35d old weaning piglets of the NEW RONGCHANG I as experimental animals, to study the effect of supplement compound resisting stress drugs additive on the body weight of weaning piglets. The result was that the average body weight of test group impairment 0.31kg after weaning 3d, increased remarkable on 7、15、30d,compared with control group for the period, P <0 01(3d、7d)and P <0.05(15d、30d);The net value of increasing weight for the same time was 0.72~1.37kg, The incidence of highest net weight was 32.5%. It showed that the additive can raise significantly the body weight of the weaning piglets.
Guizhou Journal of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine