
冷应激对西门塔尔青年牛超排效果的影响 被引量:1

Effect of Cold Stress on Superovulation Response in Simmental Heifers
摘要 本试验比较了西门塔尔青年母牛在发情和配种时遭遇寒流或下雪与正常气候的超排效果和有效胚胎数量。正常气候组平均回收卵为14.95枚,平均有效胚胎为8.04枚;下雪/寒流组分别为8.6枚和4.47枚,两组间的有效胚胎率差异不大(53.71%对51.94%)。下雪或寒流会产生冷应激,大大降低有效胚胎数量,因此,在母牛超排期间应尽量避开恶劣天气。 Embryo production of superovulated donors was greatly reduced when they were in estrus and AI during cold current or snowing. In the control group, the average recovered eggs were 14.95 and the usable embryos were 8.04, while in the cold stress group, they were 8.6 and 4.47 respectively. There was no significant difference between ratios of frozen embryos (53.71% VS 51.94%). When the donors are in estrus and AI during snowing or cold current, superovulation response and frozen embryos of donors will be reduced widely because of cold stress. Thus the bad climate change should be avoided during superovulation.
出处 《中国奶牛》 2014年第6期54-56,共3页 China Dairy Cattle
关键词 青年母牛 冷应激 超排效果 影响 Heifers Cold stress Superovulation response Effect
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