对武进市白蚁种类进行调查获得250份标本,经鉴定隶属于2科2属 11种。该市白蚁区系分布有以下 3个特点:1.散白蚁主要危害城乡房屋木结构。2.山丘岗地危害林木的主要是土白蚁和散白蚁。3.乳白蚁在常武地区已难觅其踪,成 为极易控制的白蚁类别。
Through the investigation of termite species in Wujin City, we collected 250 sam-ples, which were identified: two families, two genera and eleven species. The distribution of termite in Wujin City has three characters as follows: 1. The Reticulitermesis the major termite species that harmes to the houses in the urban and rural areas. 2. The Reticulitermesand Odontotermesare the two genera which harmed woods in hills. 3. The Coptotermes cann't be found in Changzhou - Wujin area, and become the easyly controlled genus.