
天应穴三联法治疗银屑病的探讨 被引量:4

Discussion triple treatment of psoriasis on Tianying point
摘要 银屑病是一种常见的慢性炎症性皮肤病。它属于多基因遗传的疾病,可由多种激发因素,如创伤、感染、药物等都可能在易感个体中诱发该病。典型的皮肤表现是境界清楚的具有银白色鳞屑的红色斑块。轻者可表现为几个银币大小的肘膝部位斑块,重者也可以全身皮肤受累。其病生理机制主要为表皮增生分化的异常和免疫系统的激活。银屑病俗称"牛皮癣",中医学称之为"白疕",又有"松皮癣"、"干癣"等病名,以"肤如疹疥,色白而痒,搔起白皮"得名。隋《诸病源候论》云:"干癣但有医郭,皮枯索痒,搔之屑出是也。"清初《外科大成》"白疕"候:"皮肤燥痒,起如疹疥而色白,搔之屑起渐重肢体枯燥坼裂,血出痛楚,十指间皮厚而莫能搔痒。"《医宗金鉴》"松皮癣"候:"癣疮,其名有久,一曰干癣,搔痒即起白屑,索然凋枯……五曰松皮癣,状如苍松之皮,红白斑点相连,时时作痒。"[1]该病患者病情容易反复发作影响正常的工作和学习以及生活质量,本文主要探讨天应穴即阿是穴采用放血,艾灸,药物熏洗三联法治疗本病以缓解患者痛苦,降低治疗成本以及西药对人体的伤害。 Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease. It belongs to polygenic inheritance disease and can be made of a variety of moti vating factors, such as trauma, infection and drugs , those which can induce the disease in susceptible individuals. Typical skin performance clear- ly has silvery white scaly red patches. Light person can be characterized by a few silver elbow knee a plaque size, the person that weigh can whole body skin involvement. The main disease physiological mechanism as epidermis proliferation differentiation abnormalities and activation of the im- mune system. Psoriasis, commonly known as "psoriasis", traditional Chinese medicine called "white bi", and there was a "loose skin tinea", "psoriasis", such as name to "skin rash itch, color white and itch, scratch on white" name. Sui "on the pathogenic hou" cloud:"Psoriasis but have medical guo, itchy skin withered, scratching the crumbs of is also. ""The surgical dacheng" at the beginning of the qing dynasty "White bi" syn- drome:"dry itchy skin, such as rash itch and color white, scratch the crumbs of growing body dry bran blood out of pain, skin between the fin- gers thick and mo can itch. "The YiZong Jin Jian "Loose skin tinea" wait,"ringworm sores, the name has for a long time, the psoriasis, itch up white crumbs,boring DiaoKu...Five yue ringworm, like the skin of pines, red and white spots is linked together, always itchFq. " The disease pa- tients easily recurrent affect the normal work and study and the quality of life, this paper mainly discusses the tianying point be used hole which is point bloodletting, moxibustion and medicine fumigation sanlian treatments for the disease to alleviate patients" pain, to reduce the treatment cost and the western medicine of harm to human body.
作者 朱力 邵慧峰
出处 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2014年第4期4-9,共6页 Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China
关键词 天应穴 三联法 银屑病 Tianying point Triple treatment Psoriasis
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