目的 观察水胶体敷料结合丹参酮注射液湿敷慢性伤口的疗效.方法 将96例慢性伤口患者随机分为试验组与对照组,每组各48例.试验组在伤口常规消毒后用丹参酮注射液冲洗并湿敷,外用水胶体敷料固定;对照组在伤口常规消毒后用传统敷料覆盖创面.定期观察并记录创面一般情况(包括换药疼痛、创面颜色、异味、渗液及感染)及创面愈合速度.结果 试验组创面红润48例(100%),换药疼痛0例,渗液4例(8%),异味伤口4例(8%),而对照组创面红润25例(52%),渗液16例(33%),异味伤口12例(25%),两组间比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).两组均无继发感染,试验组的愈合时间比对照组缩短12~28d(P<0.05).结论 应用水胶体敷料结合丹参酮注射液湿敷创面能有效清除创面坏死组织,促进肉芽生长,减少伤口疼痛,加速创面愈合.
Objective To evaluate the effects of hydrocolloid dressing combined with tanshinone injection in the treatment of chronic wounds. Methods Ninety-six patients with chronic wounds were randomly divided into two groups,48 cases in each group. The wounds in the experimental group were treated by hydrocolloid dressing com- bined with tanshinone injection; while the wounds in the control group were treated by traditional dressing. The degree of pain during dressing change,the color of the wounds,strange smell,fluid exudation,wound infection and the time of wound healing were recorded. Results The rate of normal color of the wounds in the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group(100% vs 52%,P〈0.01); the rate of fluid exudation (8% vs 33%,P〈0.05) and strange smell of the wounds(8% vs 25%,P〈0.05) in the experimental group was signifi- cantly lower than that of the control group. No wound infection occurred in both groups. The time of wound healing in the experimental group was significantly shorter than that of the control group(P〈0.05).Conclusion The application of hydrocolloid dressing combined with tanshinone injection can effectively clear the necrotic tissues in the wounds, regulate the micro-environment of wound healing,relieve wound pain and promote wound healing.
Chinese Journal of Nursing Education
Wound Infection
Wound Healing: Hvdrocolloid dressing: Tanshinone iniection