
演化思想发展中的自然神学 被引量:2

Natural Theology in the Development of Evolutionary Thoughts
摘要 自然神学的兴起与16、17世纪发生的第一次科学革命密切相关。随后新兴的地质学和生物学催生了动态世界观,迫使自然神学经历了多样化的过程,但并没有威胁到它的生命力。然而随着演化思想的诞生和发展,自然神学的根基逐渐发生松动。达尔文的自然选择学说最终对在科学基础上建立宗教信仰的主张构成了威胁,尽管《物种起源》中的措辞仍旧为自然神学保留了解释空间。本文试图从思想史的角度,考察演化思想与自然神学的交织与背离,期望对揭示科学与宗教之间的复杂关系有所裨益。 The rise of natural theology was closely related to the first Scientific Revolution in the 16th and 17th centuries. Although emerging geology and biology brought about the dynamic and developmental worldview and made natural theology diversified, the change posed no threat to its vitality. However, with the birth and growth of evolutionary thinking, natural theology began to lose its groundwork. Darwin's theory of natural selection eventually threatened the claim of constructing religious belief on the basis of science, though the diction of The Origin of Species still allowed room for the explanations from natural theology. This paper aims to explore the connections and deviations of evolutionary thinking with and from natural theology from the perspective of intellectual history, to reveal the complicated relationship between science and religion.
作者 杨海燕
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期58-63,126,共6页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 俄克拉荷马大学科学史藏书部Andrew W.Mellon Travel Fellowship项目资助
关键词 自然神学 演化论 设计论 证法则论证 Natural theology Evolutionary theory Argument from design Argument from law
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