以Profiler Plus系统生产厂商提供的检验条件,在实际工作中对大规模样品进行了检验分析.结果显示该系统尚存在等位基因丢失、额外等位基因、同一荧光标记不同基因座等位基因重叠公布、罕见等位基因与亚型等非技术操作性问题.对有关样品应用Power Plex1.2,Power Plex16系统进行了检验验证.
A large scale samples (database and case work) were typed by using the Profiler Plus System according to the manufacture s manual. Perplexities or discrepancies were met in some samples. Profiler Plus typing results show X -specific products dropout at the amelogenin locus in male samples, Power Plexl. 2 show the normal X - and Y -specific products. Pairwise sample (mother and induced fetus) analysis corroborates allele dropout (or extremely imbalance) occurred at the D8S1179 locus. Extra peaks were observed at the vWA and D21S11 locus, and the Power Plex 1.2, 16 kit show the same results. Allele overlapping in the same dye set occurred between the vWA locus and the FGA locus. In addition, rare alleles and microvariant is the other perplexities.
Forensic Science and Technology