
美国实用艺术作品版权保护制度及其借鉴 被引量:13

Study on the Protection of Applied Art Worksin American Copyright Law
摘要 实用艺术作品兼具艺术性和实用性,该特殊属性导致该类作品在版权保护范围和保护条件上都较为特殊。就其可版权性要件来说,美国版权法中的"可分离性标准"最具借鉴意义,该标准分为物理上的可分离性与观念上的可分离性;前者要求物品的艺术性层面能够真实地同其功能性层面区分开来,后者只要求这种区分在理论上可行即可。应联系功能性原则、合并原则和版权侵权规则等,结合可分离性标准,合理确定实用艺术作品的版权保护范围。在未来著作权法修法中,实用艺术作品应该单独成一类,并且将可分离性标准作为其可版权性的特殊要件加以规定。 Applied art works have the attributes of utility and artistry which result in limited scope of protection and restrictive conditions. "Separatability Test" which is the special qualification of applied art works in American Copyright Act is most significant. The test includes "Physical Separability" and "Conceptual Separatability". The former requires that the artistic aspects of the article can be really separated from the utilitarian aspects. However, the latter only requires that this kind of separation is possible in theory. The functionality doctrine, the merger doctrine, the rules of copyright infringement decision and "Separatability Test" should be combined to limit the scope of protection of applied art works. In the future amendment of Chinese Copyright Law, applied art works should be alone stipulated and "Separatability Test" should be meted.
作者 卢海君
出处 《知识产权》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期96-103,共8页 Intellectual Property
基金 2013年度北京市哲学社会科学规划项目:"北京市文化创意产业保护的立法研究" 项目编号:13FXC037
关键词 实用艺术作品 可分离性标准 物理上的可分离性标准 观念上的可分离性标准 works of applied art separatability test physical separability conceptual separatability
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