

Discussion about How to Promote Higher Vocational College Student Organization Autonomous Ability Construction
摘要 学生组织自治能力建设在高校学生组织建设中具有十分重要的地位,加强高校学生组织建设,应重点提升学生组织自治能力水平。与一般本科院校相比,高职院校学生组织在学生素质、干部培养周期、组织纪律观念等方面都有不小的差距,应对高职院校学生组织开展具有针对性的自治能力建设。 Student organization autonom ous ability construction plays an im portant part in college student organization construction. The key point of strengthening college student organization construction is prom oting the level of student organization autonom ous ability. There is a big gap existing in student quality, cadre educating cycle, organization and discipline perception betw een com m on universities and higher vocational colleges, so it's necessary to launch vocational college student organization autonom ous ability construction w ith a clear aim .
作者 黄云龙 赵丽
出处 《辽宁高职学报》 2014年第1期104-106,共3页 Journal of Liaoning Higher Vocational
基金 大连海洋大学2013年度思政和文化研究立项课题(yb2013015)
关键词 高职院校 学生组织 自治能力 管理制度 higher vocational colleges student organization autonom ous ability adm inistration system
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