
结构性授权与组织承诺对临床护士离职意愿的影响研究 被引量:13

Effect of structural empowerment and organizational commitment on nurses′intention to leave
摘要 目的调查临床护士结构性授权、组织承诺、离职意愿现状,分析结构性授权和组织承诺对离职意愿的影响。方法采用工作效能问卷、中国职工组织承诺量表、离职意愿量表对某三级甲等医院386名临床护士进行调查。结果结构性授权得分为(54.98±8.85)分,组织承诺得分为(62.78±8.99)分,离职意愿得分为(13.89±3.35)分。护士结构性授权、组织承诺与离职意愿呈显著负相关,是离职意愿的影响因素(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论护理管理者应加强对临床护士结构授权的关注,提高护士组织承诺,减弱护理人员的离职意愿。 Abstract: Objective To inv6stigate the status of nurses^structural empowerment, organizational commitment and intention to leave, and to analyze the impact of structural empowerment and organizational commitment on intention to leave. Methods The Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire, Organizational Commitment Inventory, and Intention to Leave Questionnaire were used to in- vestigate 386 nurses working in a three--A hospital. Results The score of structural empowerment was (54.98±8.85) ,which was below the average level; the score of organizational commitment was (62.78±8, 99), which was at a middle level;the score of in- tention to leave averaged (13. 89 ± 3. 35), which was at a high level. There was a negative relationship between structuralempowerment and intention to leave, and between organizational commitment and intention to leave (P〈0. 05, P〈0. 01), bothserving as predictors of intention to leave. Conclusion Nursing manager should pay more attention to nursest structural empower- ment, and improve the level of organizational commitment, in order to mitigate nurses' intention to leave.
作者 张钊华
出处 《护理学杂志》 CSCD 2014年第6期55-58,共4页
关键词 护士 结构性授权 组织承诺 离职意愿 nurse structural empowerment organizational commitment intention to leave
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