Patient suffering from lymphedema in both lower extremities was treated,acupuncture was carried out at Zhōngwǎn(中脘 CV 12),Shuǐfēn(水分 CV 9),ShuǐDào(水道 ST 28),Zúsānlǐ(足三里 ST 36),Yīnlíngquán(阴陵泉 SP 9),Sānyīnjiāo(三阴交 SP 6),Yánɡlínɡquán(阳陵泉 GB 34),Tàichōng(太冲 LR 3) and Tàixī(太溪穴 KI 3),and local TDP irradiation was also carried out to improve local blood circulation and promote lymph fluid backflow,and thus effectively alleviate lymphedema in both lower extremities. The treatment courses were short and painless,and no adverse eff ect was detected.