
自由贸易区领域研究热点与前沿探讨——基于Citespace Ⅱ的计量分析 被引量:14

A Study on Research Hotspots and Frontiers of Free Trade Area —Bibliometric Analysis Based on Citespace Ⅱ
摘要 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区是"以开放促改革促发展"的重要试验田,将引领中国新一轮的经济改革,同时也为学术界带来了很多全新课题。本文借助CitespaceⅡ软件对web of science中下载的1983-2013年间自由贸易区相关的文献进行计量分析,并以可视化图谱的方式直观地展示自由贸易区领域的研究现状、研究热点演变,通过共被引图谱聚类分析,发现自由贸易区领域的研究前沿,为我国学术界更好地参与到中国(上海)自由贸易试验区的建设和管理研究中提供可供借鉴的思路和依据。 China (Shanghai) Free Trade Zone is an reform and promoting the development with the opening-up" important experimental plot of "driving the , which will not only lead China's new round of economic reforms , but also brings a vast number of new topics to academia. In this paper, Citespace II is used to analyze the literatures of free trade area in Web of Science from 1983 to 2013 , so that the status and the evolution of research on free trade area fields can be shown intuitively by visualization method, more over the research frontiers can also be found by cluster analysis of co-citation. This paper attempts to provide references and basis for academia to participate in the construction and management of China (Shanghai) Free Trade Zone
作者 衣春波 许鑫
出处 《上海经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期67-78,共12页 Shanghai Journal of Economics
关键词 自由贸易区 信息可视化 CitespaceⅡ Free Trade Area(Free Trade Zone) Information Visualization Citespace II
  • 相关文献


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