
表面工程研究 被引量:4

Sandblasted and Acid-etched Process Optimization of the Dental Implant
摘要 对钛表面喷砂酸蚀工艺进行优化研究,以用于牙种植体表面改性。采用喷砂酸蚀法对钛片表面进行粗化处理,以粗化的钛片表面中0.5~2 μm孔洞所占比例和表面平均接触角作为正交试验的参考指标,对喷砂酸蚀工艺进行优化。在试验范围内,表面处理的最优参数为:喷砂材料TiO2,酸蚀温度100 ℃,酸蚀时间20 min,混酸 60%H2SO4、10%HCl和去离子水的体积比1∶1∶2。将得到的最优参数应用于钛片和牙种植体,利用扫描电镜、接触角测量仪及能谱仪对其形貌、接触角、成骨细胞粘附及成分进行分析。结果表明:优化工艺处理后,钛片表面平均接触角达67°,且均匀性较好,利于细胞吸附生长;钛片和牙种植体表面都获得了均匀的微米级孔洞结构,但种植体螺纹不同部分的表面形貌不一样。 In this paper, sandblasting and acidetching (SLA) process on titanium surface was investigated to improve the surface properties of dental implant. Firstly, the titanium surface was roughened by SLA. The proportion of 0.52 μm pores and the average contact angle of titanium surface were analyzed by the orthogonal experiment method, which was able to obtain the optimized process of SLA. The optimum parameters are selected within the test range, that is: materials of sandblasting (TiO2), etching temperature (100 ℃), etching time (20 minutes) and acid concentration (60%H2SO4∶10%HCl∶H2O=1∶1∶2). Secondly, the optimum parameters were applied to titanium and real dental implants. The surface morphology, contact angle, adhesion of osteoblast and chemical composition of titanium and dental implants were analyzed by means of scanning electron microscope (SEM), contact angle meter and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). The results show that the contact angle of titanium surface is uniform and its value is up to 67°, which is good for cells to attach and survive. Microsized porous structure is obtained both on the titanium and on the real dental implant surface; while the surface morphology varies in different parts of the dental implant.
出处 《中国表面工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期102-109,共8页 China Surface Engineering
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(N130403002) 沈阳市科技基金(F13-295-1-00)
关键词 牙种植体 喷砂酸蚀 钛片 正交试验 多孔结构 dental implant sandblasting and acid- etching (SLA) titanium sheet orthogonal experiment porous structure
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