基于雷达数据的风暴体识别、追踪及预警方法是最早出现的临近预报技术,其中对风暴的准确识别是进行风暴体追踪和预警的前提。本文借鉴SCIT(Storm Cell Identification and Tracking)算法对强风暴进行识别,根据"宁短勿长,特征相似"的原则匹配两时刻的风暴单体。通过风暴在过去两时刻的质心位置进行线性外推从而预报下一时刻风暴的位置。结果显示可以较好地识别强风暴并实现对识别出的风暴的大致跟踪。
The earliest nowcasting technology is referred to as the method of storm identification, tracking and early-warning based on radar data, and accurate storm identification is the premise of storm tracking and early-warning. The Storm Cell Identification and Tracking (SCIT) algorithm is used to identify strong storms, and storm cells at two adjacent time are matched according to the principle "better short than long and similar characteristics". The linear extrapolation is carried out through the centroid positions in the past two moments to forecast the storm position next time. The result shows that strong storms can be better identified and roughly tracked.
Radar & ECM