南海区第四人民医院2004年8月以固定组织机构、具体的管理条例,实施门(急)诊专家会诊制度,至今会诊病人2 086人次,纠正误诊872人次,调整治疗方案606人次,避免责任事故37例次,技术事故26例次,会诊正确率达96.2%,治疗有效率95.2%,患者及家属综合满意度达97.5%。门急诊会诊制度的实施,提高了基层医院医护内涵素质,优化资源,最大程度为病人提供优质服务,突显了尊重病人生命权的医学伦理,加强医患沟通,防范医患矛盾的作用地位。
The Fourth People's Hospital of Nanhai District has been implementing the expert group consultation system of outpatient department and emergency room by regularizing organizational institution and applying detailed management regulations since August, 2004. To date, the Fourth People's Hospital has held expert group consultation for 2 086 patients, which corrected 872 mistaken diagnoses and adjusted 606 treatment plans. Thus, the Fourth People's Hospital has avoided 37 liability accidents and 26 technological accidents. The accuracy of expert group consultation and the effective rate of medical treatment in the Fourth People's Hospital are 96.2 percent and 95.2 percent, respectively. Also, the overall satisfaction rate of patients and their families is 97.5 percent. Implementing the expert group consultation system of outpatient department and emergency room enhances the professional quality of the primary level's medical staff, optimizes medical resources and provides the best services to the patients. It underlines the important roles of the medical ethic to respect patients' survival rights, reinforcement of doctor - patient communication and the precaution of doctor - patient disagreement.
Modern Hospitals
The expert group consultation system, Optimize resources, Medical ethics, Doctor - patient communication